Comments & ID Thoughts
Segestria Florentina
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Feb 13, 2019
- Photographed: Nov 10, 2018
- Spider: Segestria florentina
- Location: Cesano Boscone, Italy
- Spotted Indoors: Basement or Cellar
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes: Webs, In Retreat
I think your identification is most likely correct. I don’t see the iridescent green chelacerae which might mean this is a female. The photo is fantastic, she looks quite menacing. The silver funnel web is pretty. She has her legs in the position described for the species. She might have a missing leg. Segestria florentina have six silk trip lines at the funnel entrance. The spider keeps six legs forward, one on each tripline to feel for vibrations. They eat cockroaches and that’s fantastic!
Thanks, there’s a lot more in my cellar (some males too) i wish i could capture one and keep it as one of my spider pets but they are pretty fast and i rly don’t know how. It’s a shame because they will be most likely be killed as soon as they are noticed by someone else
You might be able to keep them safe by putting furniture or lumber lightly over the dens. Insects would still go there. I have funnel web spiders living in my cellar under lumber. Pulling a trip line will cause the spider to peek out. Don’t do it bare-handed. Slowly filling a den with sand could force the spider to leave the den and you might be able to catch it with a big piece of netting. I agree that it is better to keep a spider as a pet than have it be killed by someone else. I’ve adopted many… Read more »