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Eratigena duellica
(Giant House Spider)

Picture ID 55319

Picture of Eratigena duellica (Giant House Spider) - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

No clue what this spider is, all I know is I have found about 6 of these over the last 2 days in my home. I live 10 miles east of Seattle in Washington State, few miles from any open water or rivers. I find them hanging in my ceiling with no web usually, but sometimes I find them in a very thin web they are weaving that is pretty much flush(parralel) with the wall face they are on. They are about the size of a bottom of a pint glass, so pretty decent sized. Seem to be blackish brown legs. Abdomen seems to be like black and brown tiger stripes or black with brown spots. They are fast moving, and have great awareness of humans. But very easy to capture, they make no movements while approaching them with a glass/paper. When touched they make very little movement as well. Until they are captured, than they start to freak out a bit. I have also found them frequently on the floor. When photographed they seem to only have two eyes light up.

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Hi, this is a Giant House Spider, Eratigena duellica.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Eratigena duellica (Giant House Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Eratigena duellica (Giant House Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Eratigena duellica (Giant House Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Eratigena duellica (Giant House Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture