
Picture ID 57054

Picture of Tigrosa - Dorsal
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Hi, this is a Wolf Spider (see above image for ID, they are not considered to be of medical significance). This isn’t an indoor species, if you start seeing more of them they are likely wandering in somewhere by accident or there is something else in the home they are preying on. You can reduce the number of spiders you find in your home by sealing cracks around floors, doors, windows, foundation, etc., vacuum everywhere and empty the canister outside.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Tigrosa spp. - Dorsal,Eyes Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tigrosa spp. - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tigrosa spp. - Female - Dorsal,Egg sacs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tigrosa spp. - Dorsal Enlarge Picture