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Dolomedes albineus
(White-banded Fishing Spider)

Picture ID 57127

Picture of Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider) - Female - Lateral

Comments & ID Thoughts

frontish view of the spider that was eating the Green Tree Frog. This one was taken by my friend after the spider dropped the Green Tree Frog. It was difficult to get a front picture since there was a small canal by the tree. We think a White Banded Fishing spider, maybe a Dark fishing spider

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Hi, this is a wolf spider, Lycosidae, one of the Hogna species. The red/orange boss is consistent with the larger species, for this, I can only suggest Hogna carolinensis. The ventral view from your other post can match this also. Called the carolina wolf spider, they can get to the 3rd largest true spider in the US. Certainly big enough to take on such as small amphibians and reptiles, even small rodents. Got a bite from one, not dangerous, but packs a good punch. The venter: An oblique face shot with the red boss just visible: A good… Read more »


Hi. That’s fine. Please understand this is not a confirmation, the collective of features match the Hogna carolinensis, but some can match other similar Hogna species in your region.


You and your friend did a great job with the photography!


Hi, see above image for ID. 🙂

Additional Pictures

Picture of Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider) Enlarge Picture