Rabidosa punctulata
(Dotted Wolf Spider)

Picture ID 57195

Picture of Rabidosa punctulata (Dotted Wolf Spider) - Dorsal
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Hi, see above image for ID. 🙂 They’re not considered to be of medical significance, everyone’s immune system is different though so of course seek medical attention if there is any reaction that gives you concern. I hope the bite turns out to be a non-event.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Rabidosa punctulata (Dotted Wolf Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Rabidosa punctulata (Dotted Wolf Spider) - Female - Dorsal,Egg sacs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Rabidosa punctulata (Dotted Wolf Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Rabidosa punctulata (Dotted Wolf Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture