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Arctosa littoralis
(Beach Wolf Spider)

Picture ID 58374

Picture of Arctosa littoralis (Beach Wolf Spider) - Eyes

Comments & ID Thoughts

Its hairy with black hairs throughout its body eyes seem to be on top of head not sure length as it was found dead so its legs folded under its body if you k ow what it is please help me identify thank you

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OK, so I caught a spider this morning on the beach in Pompano Beach and I was looking to identify the way I would describe it is by calling it a ghost wolf spider and the picture that I found online for this spider most closely resembles the one in which I caught earlier today. I still am in possession of it if somebody is able to get back to me quickly . I see that there has only been three recorded identifications of this species of spider. I’m in Florida, however, so I am not sure that this would… Read more »

Additional Pictures

Picture of Arctosa littoralis (Beach Wolf Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Arctosa littoralis (Beach Wolf Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture