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Picture ID 59887

Picture of Pholcus - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

I dont know anything about spiders but this one was in the ceiling corner of my bathroom. I cant quite tell but I think the legs are an orange color. The body is so small compared to its legspan so Im unable to make out the color. Possibly tan or similar color to legs. With its long longs it is probably 1.5 to almost 2 inches. Hasnt moved much. I cannot tell if its in a web or just sitting in the corner. If its in its web, the web is wuite close to the wall.

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Obligatory “not an expert” but after a quick search I would say it’s likely a Pholcus phalangioides, or a long bodied cellar spider. Certainly from the same genus.


Yes, you have the genus right. The image isn’t clear enough to confirm species.


They’re great for eating fruit flies too. I have a lot of them in my house they drink water droplets from the kitchen sink in the summer. We think they’re cute in their own harmless way.


I think this one is cellar spider.


We call those Grandaddy long legs in Kansas.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Pholcus spp. Enlarge Picture
Picture of Pholcus spp. Enlarge Picture
Picture of Pholcus spp. - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Pholcus spp. Enlarge Picture