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Phidippus otiosus
(Canopy Jumping Spider)

Picture ID 59987

Picture of Phidippus otiosus (Canopy Jumping Spider) - Eyes

Comments & ID Thoughts

I think this is a Phidippus adumbratus, a member of the jumping spider family. It was on a coffee table on our patio. It was about 1.5 inches big, I am guessing. It seemed not to be scared of me at all. It came toward my hand as I reached for my laptop. I pulled my laptop away and it walked right toward me. Needless to say, I ran away.

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Hi, see above image for ID. 🙂


Very cute! Jumping spiders move toward movement, which is probably why it kept moving toward you. There are a lot of Youtube videos of them chasing laser pointer lights and things. They’re really easy to take photos of because they look right at the camera.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Phidippus otiosus (Canopy Jumping Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Phidippus otiosus (Canopy Jumping Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Phidippus otiosus (Canopy Jumping Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Phidippus otiosus (Canopy Jumping Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture