Comments & ID Thoughts
It is about 1 centimenter long. Browned stomach and black head. Two front main legs are biggers that others. Its looks like it was a little stunned. Dont move. Dont jump. Very slowly movements.
Founded in my bed.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: May 9, 2019
- Photographed: May 9, 2019
- Spider: Palpimanus gibbulus
- Location: Málaga, Spain
- Spotted Indoors: Attic
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
I don’t know exactly what this is but it might be some sort of jumping spider because the front two legs are bigger that the others usually jumping spiders have the 2 bigger legs in front
Palpimanus gibbulus, cute. 🙂 (Palp-footed Spider)