Comments & ID Thoughts
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: May 17, 2019
- Photographed: May 17, 2019
- Spider: Heteropoda venatoria (Huntsman Spider)
- Sex:Male,
- Maturity:Adult
- Location: Spring Hill Florida, Florida, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Garage or shed
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Do you know what kind of spider this is Thank You
I’m pretty sure it’s a male huntsman spider (heteropoda venatoria).
Thank you Hal
I sat one of these in central orlando, these things are a heathen behemoth. However they dont seem harmful or poisonous. I have a hard time seeing that these spiders will continue to exist being so threatening to humans, and knowing their nature and the xenephobe they have for creatures like this one swat from a broom is enough to put these near the extinction list.