Comments & ID Thoughts
Brown Recluse
Loxosceles Reclusa
Gender: unknown
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Mar 2, 2018
- Photographed: Feb 27, 2018
- Spider: Loxosceles reclusa (Brown Recluse)
- Sex:Male,
- Location: Wichita Falls, Texas, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal, Eyes
Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 I agree, species determination based only on location though, there are a lot of other species of Recluse that can be found in the US that I can’t distinguish from an image. I had to enlarge the image to get a closer look but he looks male to me.
Thank you! Found him in my bed that night. Scared me. About size of a quarter if not bigger. I took more pictures as well. I was thinking male but wasn’t too sure. I also noticed I posted on Unidentified Spiders. I knew he was a brown recluse and remember a time when I was a child, my friend’s dad had gotten bit by one and lost half his leg due to infection. Could see his knee cap. I have two small children, so this spider had to go back outside and away from my babies. But thank you again… Read more »
For quality control for the time being unless a user has been granted special permission from the administrator all images are reviewed and filtered through as “Unidentified Spiders”, so you did that right. 🙂 Some steps you can take to reduce the number of spiders you see in your home are to seal cracks around floors, doors, windows, foundation etc. Vacuum everywhere and empty the canister outside. Extra steps for Recluse are to place sticky traps behind furniture where the wall meets the floor or anyplace you think they might get in at that you can’t seal off. Double stick… Read more »