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Picture ID 73654

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

I’m thinking it’s some kind of web weaver because of the striped legs. The spider was found cohabiting a corner of my garage with a “daddy long legs”.

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Jul 23, 2019
  • Photographed: Jul 23, 2019
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States
  • Spotted Indoors: Garage or shed
  • Found in web?: Yes
  • Attributes:
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Maybe a lichen orb weaver. I think I have one of these on my porch.


The Giant Lichen Orbweavers are green and brown with humps on the shoulders. This one may be the smaller Parasteatoda tepidariorum. The alleged common name is Common House Spider. They really like porch corners. I would call it Porch Spider. They have striped legs and a body shape like an orbweaver. The colors are usually black, gold, white, and silver. They are good spiders for the porch, they eat lots of bugs. The web is a cobweb rather than the circular orb web. Mine hung out with other spiders peacefully last summer too.


Ah okay. Yeah, mine has a very neat web.


Orbweaver webs were what the spiderweb emoji was originally based on. When the females are spiderlings they make tiny little identical versions of the big adult webs. I’ve seen the baby webs at about two to three inches diameter, the spiders are so tiny it was hard to find them.


Yes. Mine is an orb weaver.