Filed. Another similar species Castianeira descripta is commonly referred to as a Red-spotted Antmimic … not to be confused with Redbacks which is another common name for Black Widows (Latrodectus). This spider isn’t considered to be of medical significance, everyone’s immune system is different though.
I just found one in our bathroom, here in Austin, TX. So glad it was not a redback! They do look veey similar. No pic as I immediately squished it, due to spider being an unknown species to me
correct Red Backed Spider – Castianeira walsinghami
That species is not found in Texas.
Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This is a Castianeira, looks like Castianeira crocata.
(I will make a species page for it in the morning.)
Filed. Another similar species Castianeira descripta is commonly referred to as a Red-spotted Antmimic … not to be confused with Redbacks which is another common name for Black Widows (Latrodectus). This spider isn’t considered to be of medical significance, everyone’s immune system is different though.
I found a spider today that looks like the one pictured. New to the site today, not sure if my picture or info is relevant.
I just found one in our bathroom, here in Austin, TX. So glad it was not a redback! They do look veey similar. No pic as I immediately squished it, due to spider being an unknown species to me
Found one today in my house in East Texas.