Comments & ID Thoughts
Could this be a broken recluse?
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Oct 17, 2019
- Photographed: Oct 18, 2019
- Spider: Zoropsis
- Location: London, United Kingdom
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Could this be a broken recluse?
Could this be a brown recluse?
I’m guessing that you’re referring to a Brown Recluse. If the photo was taken in the U.K., no it isn’t likely except in the rare chance of one being accidentally shipped from the limited states where they are found in the U.S.
Thanks. What do you think it might be?
Unfortunately the image is low res and the legs are cropped off to the sides. Leg lengths relative to each other can be part of identification of a spider. Is this photo yours and taken in the U.K.? Do you have a clearer full photo? A new pic can be uploaded as a new post.
Yes. Have seen lots of these .I think it’s a Zoropsis
Thanks. I’ve uploaded another
Uploaded another
False Wolf Spider, Zoropsis sp.
Thanks Itsy!