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Hogna carolinensis
(Carolina Wolf Spider)

Picture ID 92549

Picture of Hogna carolinensis (Carolina Wolf Spider) - Dorsal

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Looks like a wolf spider. Does it jump?


It’s a Wolf Spider. Sorry about the delayed response. I have difficulty telling the Wolf Spiders apart and I wanted to figure out which species it is before responding. In the future I’ll just give a basic answer because it is better than nothing, until one of us recognizes the species. I like the acorn addition to the photo. 😉


Oh no! I did not mean for this statement to get on this specific picture! Sorry guys, that’s most definitely a wolf spider! Wonder if all the statements got jumbled around on the wrong pic now.

Is there any way to erase these statements off of here if you have one inaccurate?


It’s happened to other people too. 🙂 I’m glad your eyesight isn’t failing! I don’t know if Itsy Bitsy can delete single discussion items. It’s enough to correct yourself later or gracefully let others correct you. I got a misspelling of a common spider’s Latin name stuck in my device’s autofill and didn’t realize it until I identified the spider about 100 times. I started trying to go back and fix them all, but….it’s willingness to learn that matters and mistakes will happen in the process.


Carolina Wolf Spider, Hogna carolinensis.


The acorn is a cute way to show the size of the spider. 🙂


Definitely. 🙂

Additional Pictures

Picture of Hogna carolinensis (Carolina Wolf Spider) - Male - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Hogna carolinensis (Carolina Wolf Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Hogna carolinensis (Carolina Wolf Spider) - Male - Eyes Enlarge Picture
Picture of Hogna carolinensis (Carolina Wolf Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture