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Picture ID 95874

Picture of Tetragnatha - Lateral,Parasite

Comments & ID Thoughts

Long-jawed Orbweaver, Tetragnathidae. Is there one with a red lateral mark or is this a parasitic mite on the spider?

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Nov 18, 2019
  • Photographed: Aug 14, 2019
  • Spider: Tetragnatha
  • Location: (Fields Grove Park) Nashua , New Hampshire, United States
  • Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.),Low foliage (shrubs, herbs, garden, excluding flowers),Freshwater river, lake, stream
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes: Lateral, Parasite
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Parasite? Mite be. 🙂 (Filed most of your images.)


Nope, I didn’t get a notification for this and don’t think it’s within my power to fix that. The woman you’re referring to may have been the moderator on this site’s previous incarnation. I don’t know why she never filed anything. I’ve never had that problem on BugGuide.


I don’t have anything to do with site maintenance outside of IDing spiders and keeping trolls in check. I don’t mess around with that stuff because I don’t know how it works and don’t want to make things worse. Something on Kyle’s end probably needs to be updated. I’ve used google a few times to work around the broken search bar here, the Australia images seem to still be here (this link has “firefox” in it, I don’t know if it will work for you if you are using something else): If that link doesn’t work for you or… Read more »


Got it.


Tigrosa aspersa if the location fits.


Thanks, I’m OK-ish. My daily routine has been thrown into a blender though! Hope you’re doing well too.


In theory this shouldn’t affect my habits because I enjoy being a hermit. It does a lot though because with everyone home I’m never alone to recharge now and that’s mentally exhausting for me. There’s always someone to feed, or entertain, or cleanup after, and we need to keep up to date with the news everyday as things constantly change. The moment I sit down at my computer my kid nags me to let him on it, and sometimes I have no choice but to let him because it’s school work related and his other devices won’t run/open whatever it… Read more »


NJ has been #2 in cases and deaths for a while, I’m a bit south of the worst of it… I can’t really trust the info. though when testing isn’t easy to access. My husband was considered essential for a while but that changed which was a relief for him. 65 hours… that sounds awful.


So many people haven’t been covering their faces here, cashiers in particular. We went for a bike ride through the woods yesterday – there were a lot of people out and we saw only one other person besides ourselves wearing a mask, I felt like we were the only ones making a real effort to swerve off to the side when passing others. Passed a large-ish group of teen aged boys who were all clumped together and obviously not related hogging the center of the trail. I don’t think we’ll do that again. I just read that all of our… Read more »


Heyy ItsyBitsy hope your staying safe and I hope you can take a quick looks at the pictures I posted. They’re mine this time I promise.


OK, you too. Stuck on a phone at the moment, taking your word for it and filed them.


What about that guy with the inappropriate picture as his profile picture?


The account should be gone. The administrator here hasn’t had time to work on this site in a while, a lot of stuff needs to be updated. That account was offensive enough though that I thought (hoped) he might make the time to remove it if I let him know.


Ok good because that was just wow and rude. I hope me an you are ok and I wanna start over. You can call me Damian.


Nice to meet you Carrie


I’m glad i’m a real help here.


I figured you were a he but only because there used to be an active member on the old version of this site who also had “Dame” in his screen name so I kept thinking of that, in his case it was his surname though.


Lol yea its ok. I hope you can look after my comments and stuff.


Ayai, you’re right. Thanks. I forwarded it to admin… should be gone.


Thx so much and I am really sorry about the other pictures. I never meant any harm and I will never do it again.


I’ve been here for a while helping people out. I have been studying spiders for almost 1 year now and getting better. Most of my answers on here are correct. Some of em I had the wrong idea but I learned.


OK. Have fun then. No worries. If I find the time I’ll go through some of them, if you start getting notifications because I’ve made corrections it’s just to let you know what they are.


Thank you very much I appreciate it 🙂

Additional Pictures

Picture of Tetragnatha spp. - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tetragnatha spp. - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tetragnatha spp. - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tetragnatha spp. - Dorsal Enlarge Picture