Hi,and welcome to the site. Looks to me like a member of the Anyphaenidae family calld ghost spiders.
Not a lot of certainty, very similar to ones I have about,never IDed to species, Hibana genus perhaps.
The dark heart mark may be getting ready to molt. https://bugguide.net/node/view/1333393/bgimage
Not found on a web.
Hi,and welcome to the site. Looks to me like a member of the Anyphaenidae family calld ghost spiders.
Not a lot of certainty, very similar to ones I have about,never IDed to species, Hibana genus perhaps.
The dark heart mark may be getting ready to molt.
I believe this is Thanatus spp.
Yes, I agree with Thanatus sp.. Filed. 🙂 Welcome to Spider ID.