
Picture ID 97616

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

I found this guy in my bathroom.
I've seen several like it in my apartment, but I have no idea what they are!

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Dec 26, 2019
  • Photographed: Dec 26, 2019
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Hilo, Hawaii, United States
  • Spotted Indoors: Other
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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Steatoda sp. I tried a photo editing app on your photo to enhance the colors. It has a blackish body with transparent reddish green-brown legs. That is what spiders in genus Steatoda look like with light shining through them. The prosoma (front half of the body) has a dimple like Steatoda spp. do. I couldn’t see markings to indicate a particular species in the genus. The shrunken and downturned abdomen looks like that of a female who has made an egg sac. They are in family Theridiidae, the Cobweavers. They make true cobwebs. The venom isn’t medically significant. They will… Read more »


Thank you for being kind to it. They are sluggish in bright light and will stop moving unless you chase them with something. I prop my phone against the wall near spiders to keep it close to them and steady. Different types of spiders react differently to a phone or camera lens. The last Steatoda spider I photographed climbed onto the phone because the phone is black (like a hidden place) against a white wall. Unfortunately it continued on to my black sweater. Nobody was hurt in the confusion. 🙂 The question about being territorial is interesting. They will kill… Read more »


You’re very welcome!! With a frying pan! My mom killed my pet caterpillars too. I had a huge jar of invasive Gypsy Moth Caterpillars. Mom screamed and smashed it. It was gory. I do as much as I can to teach about animals so people will see they are more complex and important than the way they have been treating them. Something I’ve seen success with is teaching kids and their their parents about wildlife in a local park. I make sure they know the snakes and spiders aren’t dangerous there. I teach them that our huge (possibly record-breaking) snapping… Read more »


Wow! The giant snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentia, lives in a the wild. I don’t want to say exactly where. I spend time in a lot of East Coast wilderness places. The World Record for largest of the species in the wild comes from New Hampshire, I don’t know which town. I hope you didn’t try to keep the ants or dead guy as pets! Vacuuming an ant hill sounds like a great idea. Try Borax or Baking Soda if you ever happen to encounter an indoor anthill again. We could always use more spider pics from Hawaii. Yay, I found… Read more »