Comments & ID Thoughts
And I thought I was alone... scared the Sh$# out of me. I am in Gilbert AZ (Phoenix). I sure hope someone can identify this unwelcomed visitor drinking the run off of my ice machine (in the kitchen next to my fridge). He is about 2-2.5 inches (including legs). Back legs are super long. Thanks!
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Apr 16, 2018
- Photographed: Apr 16, 2018
- Spider: Artema atlanta (Giant Daddy-long-legs Spider)
- Sex:Male,
- Maturity:Adult
- Location: Gilbert, Arizona, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Any thoughts? Giant House Spider? Hobo?
Hi, and welcome to the site. You are out of rage for both giant house spider or hobo spider, Just a hunch here, but I might suggest one of the spitting spiders in the Scytodidae family. Scytodes thoracica is within your range. One of the friendly spiders.
Wow this one took me a bit. I thought initially Agelenidae due to the abdominal markings are long legs, then some sort of wanderer/prowler.
I think I have it pinned though to a Pholcidae: Artema atlanta or the Giant Daddy-long-legs spider.
I agree Disco’s ID looks good. They are considered to be the largest species of Pholcid (Cellar Spider) in the world so that fits your description of it having a substantial leg diameter.
Thank you all! I have a small cellar spider who made its home above my front door and catches the mosquitos when I go in and out so guess I have nothing to be afraid of! The size of this guy scared me!