Comments & ID Thoughts
I have no idea what this is. But please feel free to come and get it!
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jan 6, 2020
- Photographed: Jan 6, 2020
- Spider: Larinioides (Furrow Spiders)
- Location: Stow , Ohio, United States
- Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Horrible. Awful. Creepy.
Free specimen to whoever can exterminate the fastest.
Steatoda sp.? You had me interested. lost me at the third to last word. Since it is still alive outdoors in the Winter, it might be a False Widow in genus Steatoda or Parasteatoda. In other seasons I would say it might be an Orbweaver in genus Larinioides. If it is shiny and about the size of a green pea or smaller, it’s a False Widow. They are only horrible, awful, and creepy to insects and other spiders. They’re not medically dangerous to you. They are quite potent against the other bugs. bb Parasteatoda are blotchy all over. The abdomen… Read more »
I agree this is an Orb-weaver in the genus Larinioides, compare to Larinioides cornutus. These are beneficial and will prey on less desirable things.
It’s a Larinioides cornutus
(Furrow Orb-weaver)