Comments & ID Thoughts
Found indoors, on an old piece of pillow fluff. Hasn’t made any attempts that I could notice to make a web. Laid an egg sac that she carries around with her. Eating in the attached picture.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jan 20, 2020
- Photographed: Jan 19, 2020
- Spider: Alopecosa kochi
- Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal, Prey
She’s a Wolf Spider, I’m not sure which one. They don’t make webs, they’re ambush hunters. They don’t climb vertical surfaces well. She carries her eggs under her body in a sack to protect them. Some wasps parasitize the spiders and their larvae by inserting an egg into the spider or her egg sac. When the wasp larva hatches it eats the spider or her hatchlings. That is probably why Wolf Spiders and Fishing Spiders use their bodies as shields. When the Wolf Spider hatchlings emerge they will climb onto their mother and ride around on her. She has hairs… Read more »
Alopecosa kochi