
Picture ID 98993

Picture of unidentified spider
  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Jan 31, 2020
  • Photographed: Jan 31, 2020
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Argentina
  • Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
  • Found in web?: Yes
  • Attributes:
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Looks like a male in the Kukulcania genus (not recluses)


Excuse… How can you tell the difference?


Far too big to be a recluse… the large pedipalps (things coming off it’s face) are characteristics of male Kukulcania… recluses don’t have that at all. Look up Crevice Weavers or Kukulcania and the males will all look like this. Relatively familiar with both recluses and crevice weavers. By the way crevice weavers are fairly harmless.


Unsure about exact species, but definitely Kukulcania


They do look quite different! A way to tell them from Recluses is that the Kukulcania have light-colored leg joints close to the body. The paleness of the joints is more noticeable on the Kukulcania. The pedipalps, as mentioned, are the other main way to tell the species apart.


Sorry for the late reply. There are very few medically significant spider bites out there – most spider bite injuries arise due to infection of the wound rather than venom. This is basically a harmless spider. There is no need to kill it, and besides, they’re not exactly seeking out you or your dogs. Think of them as pest controllers! This is a male, and I imagine they won’t hang around long as generally speaking, male spiders move around a lot in search of a mate.