(Wolf Spiders)

Picture ID 11398

Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

What is this and is it poisonous? This was the size of my palm and ran very fast. It seems to like dark places since it was in my hallway closet and ran to hide behind a mirror. I have found smaller ones in my home before and have terminex doing frequent visits. This spider is overall brown but seems to have grey outlining the body. On it's legs it's mostly light brown but has dark brown or black lines at the joints. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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Hi, I can’t make the details out very well from this image. The general appearance is of a Wolf Spider (Lycosidae). Like most spiders they have venom but are not considered to be of medical significance, everyone’s immune system is different though.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Female - Dorsal,Egg sacs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Female - Spiderlings Enlarge Picture