
Picture ID 16078

Picture of Selenops (Flatties) - Male

Comments & ID Thoughts

Okay so I'd like to put a few comments here. I really don't know a lot about spiders or different species besides the few you want to stay away from. This is the third or fourth of the same looking spider that I found in my house in the last 5 months I would say. The first one was that 5 months ago and it was on the ceiling in my house I got a cup over it and then move the cup slowly brought it down in the spider was in it I went outside and released it. About 3 months ago I found another pretty much in the same location though this one when I tried to catch with a cup I missed and it fell down to the floor and I cut half of its legs off so I put it out of its misery though I'm not positive if that was the same spider as the other three, this one was much smaller though I guess it could have been a juvenile. Today during about 5 p.m. in the afternoon I heard my son scream for me and he said there's a spider I looked up and there was another one of the same one that I caught in a cup and released so I did that again. I was doing a little bit of cleaning underneath the kitchen table about 15 minutes after I released the other one and I found that one but it was already dead because I believe there was still some ant spray that was sprayed in that vicinity from ants that were coming in from outside so unfortunately it's not alive and it's curled up a little bit. Seeing the same spider that many times made me think, I have no idea what it is.I know it's not 4 out of the 5 venomous spiders in Florida but sometimes when I looked at the live ones they kind of look like the brown widow. Though I've never got a good look at the Underside of them except this Dead one and it kind of shriveled up so it's hard to see if it has those markings the brown widow has. Since there's obviously been a few in the house I just want to make sure that it isn't a venomous spider. Besides the one in the kitchen and interesting note is the other three we're in the same spot pretty much on the ceiling all within about three or four feet from a ceiling fan so I do not know if a female laid eggs in there though I feel that if she did I would probably be finding more than I've had. Anyway that's all the information I can think of. I live in a suburb about 3 miles from the beach there's houses everywhere and there's no wooded areas anywhere close to me and I live in South Florida in Northern Palm Beach County. Thanks to anybody in advanced that knows what it is. I was going to try to take a picture of it's backside but I don't know if you can put more than one picture if you can I guess somebody tell me how I could do that. Thanks

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Additional Pictures

Picture of Selenops spp. (Flatties) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Selenops spp. (Flatties) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Selenops spp. (Flatties) - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Selenops spp. (Flatties) - Male Enlarge Picture