Tigrosa annexa

Picture ID 53421

Picture of Tigrosa annexa - Dorsal

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Hi, this is a Wolf Spider (Lycosidae), looks like Tigrosa annexa.


Are wolf spiders dangerous, poisonous? I hate spiders as I am petrified and I have a micro preemie baby who is a toddler now, but she has a low immunity. I will kill anything that poses a threat for her. Please, noone get angry, I’m just a mum who loves my daughter.


Hi, we understand that we must protect ourselves and our pets and families. We don’t advocate living with spiders that are dangerous to you. The spiders don’t need to live in your house. I usually recommend moving the spiders to a better place outdoors. I don’t think pesticide use is wise. It seems relatively ineffective on spiders from what we’ve heard. It does introduce poison into your home that can linger as residue. Wolf spiders can bite and do have venom, like almost all spiders. If your baby were to grab a spider or press against one it would probably… Read more »


Thank you, TangledWeb. That was really helpful information. She already knows to not touch anything without me, but she had no desire to touch spiders or insects nor bugs.


Hi, I was in a similar situation and it’s what started my becoming knowledgeable about spiders. I also had a preemie and his reactions to bug bites were over the top. Mosquitoes were a particular nightmare but he started getting a different sort of bite and I went on a mission to identify any “bug” I could find in the house. I found mostly spiders (Cheiracanthium mildei/Yellow Sac Spider in particular – found some dead in his play pen) and I didn’t have much help IDing them at first so I did a *lot* of searching online to track things… Read more »


Thank you for sharing your experience with me. What is the most common horse apost that is safe? This is an old house with lots of big cracks and tree roaches find their way in here too. We have daddy long legs, but they don’t seem to do much.


I’m sorry I don’t know what you meant by “horse apost”?

Additional Pictures

Picture of Tigrosa annexa - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tigrosa annexa - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tigrosa annexa - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tigrosa annexa - Female - Dorsal,Spiderlings Enlarge Picture