Comments & ID Thoughts
Found this spider in tall grass on the under side of a barrel. I think it's a type of orb spider since the abdomen is about the size of a penny. Thick legs and head features resemble a jumping spider. Uniform bown colouring. No distinct markings.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: May 26, 2018
- Photographed: May 26, 2018
- Spider: Phidippus princeps
- Sex:
- Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
- Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.),Ground layer (leaf litter, dirt, grass, etc)
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Hi, your image has been filed. (See above image for ID.) 🙂 It’s a Jumping Spider (Salticidae).
Okay thanks for the id! I figured a jumping spider because of the head features, but I’ve always thought them to be small. Would this be a female? It was big enough to cover my thumb nail.
Yes, it looks feminine and likely gravid.