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Araneus trifolium
(Shamrock Orb-weaver)

Picture ID 193050

Picture of Araneus trifolium (Shamrock Orb-weaver)

Comments & ID Thoughts

It looks like Metellina segmentata but it would be nice to confirm. It was crossing a paved pathway when I saw it.

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This isn’t Metellina segmentata. The legs and the head are wrong for it to be this spider..I think this is a marbled orb weaver. Araneus marmoreus. They have depressions on their abdomen that end up looking like white eyes occasionally….and the legs fit too.…i think it is an odd shape because it is likely elderly and its abdomen has been deflated after laying eggs.


Close, correct genus. This is Araneus trifolium, a Shamrock Orbweaver. The markings are similar. I asked a professor who volunteered for this site how to tell them apart. He told me the legs are the big visual difference. A. trifolium is alternating bands of a light color (color varies) and a dark color. A. marmoreus has legs that are, proximal to distal: red, white, red, white, black – or a version of that. Always red to black. That’s been useful for me.


That’s brilliant thanks. I love little clues that can help identify spiders from pictures that aren’t clear or from untypical angles.


I’m glad you like them! The legs often have the best clues with spider photos.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Araneus trifolium (Shamrock Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus trifolium (Shamrock Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus trifolium (Shamrock Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus trifolium (Shamrock Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture