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(Wolf Spiders)

Picture ID 50546

Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Female - Dorsal,Spiderlings

Comments & ID Thoughts

Hi, I saw this spider today in my garden in Dubai. It is around 3 cm. Can you please help me identify it? Thanks.

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Hi, this is a mother Wolf Spider (Lycosidae) carrying her spiderlings on her back.


Like most spiders they have venom but are not considered to be of medical significance, everyone’s immune system is different though. No action should be needed considering it was outside.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Female - Spiderlings Enlarge Picture
Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Spiderlings Enlarge Picture
Picture of Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) - Female - Dorsal,Egg sacs Enlarge Picture