Comments & ID Thoughts
Spider was found in a box that came from Asia. Trying to figure out if it came from Asia or got into the box here. It looks to have made some sort of web on the box.Box flap is about 6" wide so the spider is about 1.3" from tip of front leg to tip of back leg.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Mar 4, 2019
- Photographed: Mar 4, 2019
- Spider: Kukulcania
- Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes: Lateral, Accidental adventive
Hi, this species is native to the Americas and not something I’d really expect to see in British Columbia. Maybe an Arizona Black Hole Spider (Kukulcania arizonica) … the other species in the genus look very similar though and I don’t know where this originally came from so I’m only sure of genus (Kukulcania).