NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS - New Spider ID launching Summer 2024 - Learn more here.

Pictures of lateral (side) view

A visual encyclopedia of spiders filtered at your fingertips. Spider ID has 98730 pictures of 575 different spider species in our database. Pictures can be filtered by a number of variables including visual attributes, sex and maturity. Do you have spider pictures to share? Please consider submitting pictures to expand our confirmed sightings.






Picture of Argiope aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus trifolium (Shamrock Orb-weaver) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Micrathena sagittata (Arrow-shaped Micrathena) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus geometricus (Brown Widow Spider) - Lateral,In Retreat Enlarge Picture
Picture of Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orb-weaver) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Pholcidae (Cellar Spiders) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus geometricus (Brown Widow Spider) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavata (Jorō  spider) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Frontinella pyramitela (Bowl and Doily Weaver) - Female - Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge festiva (Masked Vlei Spider) - Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavata (Jorō  spider) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Cyclosa conica - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider) - Lateral,Webs,Prey Enlarge Picture
Picture of Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena) - Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavata (Jorō  spider) - Male,Female - Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena) - Female - Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena) - Female - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda spp. (False Widows) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Titiotus spp. - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge licina (Dominican Spider) - Female - Lateral,Parasite Enlarge Picture
Picture of Xysticus spp. (Ground Crab Spiders) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Uloboridae (Cribellate Orb-weavers) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Philodromidae (Running Crab Spiders) - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orb-weaver) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda spp. (False Widows) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Nesticodes rufipes (Red House Spider) - Female - Egg sacs,Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Xysticus spp. (Ground Crab Spiders) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus hesperus (Western Black Widow) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Micrathena sagittata (Arrow-shaped Micrathena) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus geometricus (Brown Widow Spider) - Egg sacs,Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Cyrtophora citricola (Tropical Tent-web Spider) - Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tetragnatha spp. - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tetragnatha spp. - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider) - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Agelenopsis spp. (Grass Spiders) - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Common House Spider) - Male,Female - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orb-weaver) - Egg sacs,Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orb-weaver) - Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tmarus angulatus - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Amaurobius ferox (Black Lace-Weaver) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Tetragnatha spp. - Lateral,Parasite Enlarge Picture
Picture of Maevia inclemens (Dimorphic Jumper) - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Agelenopsis spp. (Grass Spiders) - Lateral,Prey Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dolomedes spp. (Fishing Spiders) - Female - Lateral,Spiderlings,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge argyrobapta (Mabel Orchard Orb-weaver) - Dorsal,Lateral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Peucetia viridans (Green Lynx Spider) - Female - Egg sacs,Lateral Enlarge Picture