Comments & ID Thoughts
This spider was in my room when i discovered it , i live in the south and its just now getting hot, my guess its in the house for a cooling off period
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Mar 14, 2019
- Photographed: Mar 15, 2019
- Spider: Ctenus (Tropical Wolf Spiders)
- Sex:Male,
- Location: Columbus , Georgia, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Lateral
Hi, very tentative from this image. This looks like a Tropical Wolf Spider (Ctenus sp.). The other similar looking option would be a Wolf Spider (Lycosidae). Looks like a male wandering in search of a mate.
Thank you so much! backstory of finding the spider: i was laying in bed watching youtube from my phone around midnight, while i was laying on my back , i felt something to being to crawl/climb my face. i got scared since it was all of the sudden, rushed to turn on the lights and found it on my pillow. i posted another picture on here, maybe you can make this answer 100% postive of the species.