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Dolomedes tenebrosus
(Dark Fishing Spider)

Picture ID 55179

Picture of Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider) - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

I think it's a dark fishing spider, I found it in my laundry room and put it into a jar and released it outside in my field. It was surprisingly calm the entire time.

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Yes they are normally quite shy and only become aggressive when females are guarding eggs or young.


They are quite fascinating spiders and nothing to be afraid of, but yes, startling in size. The females carry their egg sac around tucked under their body for several days, finding a sunny spot in the day to help warm up the eggs. Then they climb up some tall weeds and make a ‘nursery’ web where the yound hatch out and she guards the nursery until the spiderlings have molted and are ready to disperse on their own. It’s one of the few examples of parental care in the spiders.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider) - Eyes Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider) Enlarge Picture