Comments & ID Thoughts
Metaltella simoni
(Hacklemesh Weaver)
I believe
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Feb 23, 2018
- Photographed: Feb 23, 2018
- Spider: Amaurobius ferox (Black Lace-Weaver)
- Sex:Male,
- Maturity:Adult
- Location: Amherst, Ohio, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Basement or Cellar
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This is a mature male Black Lace-weaver, Amaurobius ferox.
Oops, sorry wrong thread.. thank you
The pedipalps (appendages near the spider’s mouth) are diagnostic.
They would be shaped noticably different on an M. simoni.
You may have been comparing him to a female, yours is male.
Yea, I saw that.. I typed in the wrong part. First time i ever saw this, and trying to research it.It’s still called a Hacklemash weaver as well correct?
Yes, Hacklemesh Weaver covers a bunch of species, Black Lace-weaver is species specific.
Thank you for your help!!!
You’re welcome!