Parasteatoda tepidariorum
(Common House Spider)

Picture ID 35689

Picture of Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Common House Spider) - Lateral
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Common House Spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum.


This is a really great photo! Thanks for submitting it.


I just looked through your other photos, they’re wonderful!!! How did you get interested in loving and photographing spiders?


Wow! You’ve contributed a lot of great photos! Wasps and hornets are the difficult, though they don’t worry me the way ticks can. I’ve noticed that the wasps and hornets signal warnings before attacking me. If there is a ground hive they circle low around it. They’ll also buzz by your ears and tap their body against yours. We had a hive a paper wasps under our porch. Neighbors repeatedly destroyed their hives so we let them stay for several years now. They fly around the front steps because there are flowering plants nearby. They haven’t stung anyone who has… Read more »

Additional Pictures

Picture of Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Common House Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Common House Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Common House Spider) - Female - Dorsal,Egg sacs,Spiderlings,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Common House Spider) - Male,Female - Lateral Enlarge Picture