Metaltella simoni
(Hacklemesh Weaver)

Picture ID 3827

Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Male - Lateral

Comments & ID Thoughts

Is this a common house/wood spider? Recently sustained a bite from something that caused skin to die over a 4 inch area.. Curious if this might be a canadate.

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Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 Your spider appears to be an adult male Metaltella simoni. They’re not considered to be of medical significance. It’s not a likely candidate, everyone’s immune system is different though, and secondary infection is something to consider as well. Hope you get better soon.


You’re welcome. Lots of unrelated medical conditions can be mistaken for spider bites and if you didn’t see the spider bite you you never can be sure. Nevertheless it’s worth noting that there are a few species of Recluse spiders native to CA, most notably the Desert Recluse (Loxosceles deserta).

Additional Pictures

Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture