Steatoda triangulosa
(Triangulate Cobweb Spider)

Picture ID 56895

Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) - Lateral,Webs

Comments & ID Thoughts

Its two spiders which literally chill beneath my head at my bed. About 10 cm from me.

I have no idea why they are so chill with me.

One of them disappeared for a few hours yesterday but he is back (:

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Hi. Hard to tell with profile, but sure looks like Steatoda triangulosa. Parasteatoda tepidariorum might be an alternative.
Harmless cobweb spiders, they will stay where they are unless driven from their web or starved.
Often these web dwellers have a hide nearby, and much like orb weavers may take a potty break from time to time.
Had one spent her life in my pantry, sometimes not moving for days, just waiting for a bug to happen by.
Ate her share of bugs though.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) - Female Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) Enlarge Picture