Gladicosa gulosa

Picture ID 5903

Picture of Gladicosa gulosa - Dorsal
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Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This is a Gladicosa gulosa (Wolf Spider).


Thanks for the feedback!


Sorry I didn’t see your question when you posted it. It’s strange that they were underwater, but it’s a Wolf Spider (Lycosidae) regardless. They’re not among the species that are known to be of medical significance to people, everyone’s immune system is different though. I don’t know off hand if this species would prey on fish, some spiders do. It would probably have to be a very small fish, otherwise the spider has more to fear from the fish I would think. Sometimes spiders float on water, maybe they were doing that but something happened to make them sink. Spiders… Read more »

Additional Pictures

Picture of Gladicosa gulosa - Female - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Gladicosa gulosa - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Gladicosa gulosa - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Gladicosa gulosa - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture