Comments & ID Thoughts
I have several photos. There’s a big one on the left of my window and a smaller one that’s possibly not the same kind on the left. They both have small sticky, sudo disorganized webs. They are very nocturnal. The bigger one is super shy, but has it’s web both inside and outside the window. They live in the “track” if you willl.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Oct 2, 2018
- Photographed: Oct 2, 2018
- Spider: Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider)
- Location: Hattiesburg , Mississippi, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes: Lateral, Webs
Without a full view of the spider (preferably of it’s back) it’s hard to tell what kind of spider it may be, but very leggy they are!
–that is a female Kukulcania – commonly called a Southern House spider or a Southern Crevice spider: absolutely harmless – you can let her walk in your hand. The males ( also harmless ) are much smaller and unfortunately ( for them ) look very similar to a brown recluse
Thank you! I thought she was “her”. I have a male in the other corner. They have rather become pets. LOL! They don’t associate, but they do have funny webs. They’re very sticky and have a bit of a funnel in the middle. They really get comfortable with family members. 😉 Thank you for posting!
I have to share an update since my original post. About two months ago, a male came to visit. He hung out for quite a while. She’d moved to the top back corner away from the window, so it’s a bit harder to see. After he left, she hid a lot. I got a little worried, then suspicious. My suspicion was verified after she stoped hiding and four days ago we welcomed her tiny little ones into the world. She helps them survive and they stay “home” for now. When they can leave the “nest” we will put them at… Read more »
That’s awesome! We could use a good photo of mom and babies if you can get one. I don’t know how well they would do in a barn. Anyone know if they are survive outdoors in Winter in the South? They don’t live here in the bitter North, I don’t have any experience with them. They’re usually found outdoors in the Spring. Most are found in houses. A heated barn could work. When they’re old enough they’ll need to go different directions to find mates that they aren’t directly related to. Mother spiders are fantastic moms!
She is a very good mom! Well we are sort of close to the coast and it’s pretty warm here or even in winter. That said, a whole lot of her female kin are all over different places in my windows. Several live on the back deck, so I figured the barn would be okay. (The others are not as social as she is.) How do I upload another picture?
Picture ID 132240
I put her pic in with that ID so you can see her with babies. It’s so much fun seeing her raise them. The outdoor Charlottes and Banana spiders pass after they lay their egg sacks.