NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS - New Spider ID launching Summer 2024 - Learn more here.

Pictures of ventral (underside) view

A visual encyclopedia of spiders filtered at your fingertips. Spider ID has 98638 pictures of 573 different spider species in our database. Pictures can be filtered by a number of variables including visual attributes, sex and maturity. Do you have spider pictures to share? Please consider submitting pictures to expand our confirmed sightings.






Picture of Palystes supercilious - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavata (Jorō  spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavata (Jorō  spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge argyrobapta (Mabel Orchard Orb-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus geometricus (Brown Widow Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus spp. (Widow Spiders) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orb-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus geometricus (Brown Widow Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila fenestrata (Hairy Golden Orb-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge argyrobapta (Mabel Orchard Orb-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Micrathena sagittata (Arrow-shaped Micrathena) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus mactans (Southern Black Widow) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Bothriocyrtum californicum (California Trapdoor Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila fenestrata (Hairy Golden Orb-weaver) - Ventral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Olios giganteus (Giant Crab Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope argentata (Silver Garden Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus hesperus (Western Black Widow) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavata (Jorō  spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope trifasciata (Banded Garden Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Florinda coccinea (Black-tailed Red Sheet-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda borealis - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus spp. (Widow Spiders) - Male - Penultimate,Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda spp. (False Widows) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Dysderidae (Dysderid Spiders) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope spp. (Garden Orb-weavers) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Argiope australis - Male,Female - Ventral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda spp. (False Widows) - Female - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda spp. (False Widows) - Female - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus geometricus (Brown Widow Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Caerostris spp. (Bark Spiders) - Ventral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Nephilingis cruentata (African Hermit Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus diadematus (Cross Orb-weaver) - Female - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Agelenopsis spp. (Grass Spiders) - Ventral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Nephilingis cruentata (African Hermit Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Neosparassus spp. (Badge Huntsman Spiders) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge argyrobapta (Mabel Orchard Orb-weaver) - Ventral,Webs Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda borealis - Male - Penultimate,Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus geometricus (Brown Widow Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda borealis - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Cobweb Spider) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Latrodectus hesperus (Western Black Widow) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus diadematus (Cross Orb-weaver) - Female - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge argyrobapta (Mabel Orchard Orb-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Nuctenea umbratica (Walnut Orb-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orb-weaver) - Ventral Enlarge Picture